CCSSCI On Luck Chinese Nursing Home
177 179 Tindals Road , DONVALE , 3111, VIC
Beds: 120
Category: Community Based
Provider: Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc
CCSSCI On Luck Chinese Nursing Home
Accreditation Status: Accreditation Report
Source: Aged Care Quality Agency
Do you have an elderly loved one who needs respite care, convalescent care or permanent placement at CCSSCI On Luck Chinese Nursing Home or another aged care facility in the DONVALE area ?
Preferably with an accommodation payment (RAD or DAP), and any additional service fees, that are within your budget ?
Enquire NowWe have been placing residents into residential aged care since 2002, and have detailed knowledge and experience to help you with this important decision about CCSSCI On Luck Chinese Nursing Home.
Don't be too hasty and make easy mistakes. Access our knowledge and experience prior to making a decision which will have a major impact on your elderly loved one.
The On Luck Chinese Nursing Home is located in Donvale with breathtaking, impressive picturesque valley offering Doncaster city view.
The vision, as advocated by the Centre's President Fred Chuah, JP, is a nursing home set up by the community for the community – that caters for the linguistic, cultural, social, spiritual, dietary and health care needs of Chinese-speaking elderly.
Since 2006, On Luck Chinese Nursing Home is the only Chinese specific high level aged care residential care facility in Victoria. They provide long-term accommodation and short-term respite care (subjected to availability of places) for Chinese elderly who are no longer able to manage living at home or have specialized care needs that requires professional care 24 hours from Registered Nurses or who require palliative care or dementia specific care in single rooms, shared rooms/couple rooms or dementia specific unit.
Upon completion of our new building in 2014, On Luck Chinese Nursing Home now provides 120 residential places (30 dementia specific places), making it the largest Chinese Specific Residential Aged Care Facility in Australia.
Key features include:
On Luck provides extensive and culturally appropriate Lifestyle and Recreation Program led by qualified staff with the involvement of families and volunteers. Program includes individual and group activities and outings such as reading Chinese Newspaper, gentle exercises, Chinese and Australian festival celebrations, visits and performances by community groups, Chinese satellite TV program and mini theatres broadcasting Chinese DVDs around the facility. Residents are supported to express themselves with calligraphy, singing, chess playing, cooking and many other in house games. Multi-sensory therapy room and music therapy are also available.
From 20 September 2024, the following aged care fees will become effective:
The Basic Daily Care Fee increases to $63.57 pd (from $61.96 pd).
The Fully-Supported Asset Threshold increases to $61,500 (from $59,500).
The Non-Supported Asset Threshold increases to $206,039 (from $201,231).
The maximum Daily Accommodation Contribution (DAC) for refurbished / non-refurbished rooms will be $69.49 pd / $45.31 pd respectively.
The effective Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC) for a refurbished facility, above the 40 % fully supported ratio, will be $303,395 which will put pressure on persons looking for a fully supported placement, given that the average RAD is now higher than this amount.
The Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) has not yet been finalised for 1 October 2024, however recent RBA inaction suggests that the MPIR will remain around the current 8.36% pa.
The Basic Daily Care Fee and some aged care thresholds are indexed to the Age Pension. On the 20 September 2024, the single age pension increases from $1,116.30 fn to $1,144.40 fn. This is based upon recent increases in the cost of living reflected in the Pensioner & Beneficiary Living Cost Index (PBLCI).
Learn about RAD, DAP & MPIR ...
Select RAD Amount: $
% |
Lump Sum of RAD Paid : $
DAP :$20.20 pd
Interest rate (MPIR) is: 8.36%pa
(effective 1/07/2024)