About Nursing Homes .com.au




The team behind Nursing Homes.com.au have been helping families with information about serviced apartments, assisted living and nursing homes since 2002. We have helped more than 2,500 families through the process of nursing home placement and accommodation fee negotiation.

Nursing Homes .com.au was established after observing the common difficulties and stresses that families encountered when they approached the task of placing a relative into residential care.

Each family undertaking an aged care placement for their loved one:

  • Approached the emotional task with similar needs and concerns
  • Undertook similiar activities - devoting their limited time and valuable effort
  • Only to uncover the same information and make many of the same mistakes as families that had gone before them.

There had to be a better way to complete this important activity and to achieve a positive outcome for the family.

Over the years, Nursing Homes .com.au have assisted many families with the move to retirement living, serviced apartments, group homes, assisted living, supported residential services and Commonwealth subsidised aged care accommodation.

Nursing Homes .com.au have knowledge, experience and industry contacts which can help you today. If you have any questions, or need practical assistance, for your relative please contact our friendly team for a chat.


The team at NursingHomes.com.au enjoy sharing our knowledge and experience about relocation and placement with new clients; and being personally involved with the family during this most important time.

Nursing Homes Placement

Assistance with all steps required for a successful nursing homes placement.

Accommodation Fee Negotiation

We can reduce the cost of accommodation by advocating and negotiating on your families behalf.

Relocation Management

Assistance with the dispersal of household items to family members, charities and removal prior to the sale or rental of the family home.

Enquire Now

What our clients say ...

Your assistance in locating a place for my mum close to where she lives and then negotiating with the aged care facility was such a relief for me and very much appreciated. Also, your advice in relation to the costs when entering low care, as well as providing referrals to applicable financial advisors, has been invaluable. Thank you. Mrs Rhondda J.

Dear Andrea, Thank you for all your help. I would not have had a hope all on my own. I hope Brian settles in well, he should do so. Thanks again. Carmel

Thank you once again. I think your service is a God Send. Have a Merry Christmas. Mrs. Booth

I cannot help but think how fortunate we have been in the way everything has worked out. Having Ada and Keith being placed together, in a very comfortable and caring facility, and especially in a location so close to family members has been ideal. Mr Ken C.